Hunger is the root of all evil

I am beginning to think hunger is the worst thing there is for mankind. I am talking about the hunger for food and the empty stomach. If we could go on with an empty stomach, we would not even have to work to make a living, or at least we could work less.

My spontaneous thought about hunger... If we were not hungry, we would probably have less fear about our future. We would not have to worry about losing our jobs. Even if we lost jobs, that would have less impact on our lives.

We would be able to spend more time in creative activities if we did not have to worry about filling up our stomachs. We would require less money to survive. We would, in fact, value money less than what we are doing now. As a result, we would get less greedy and we may even start helping each other more.

People say money is the root of all evil. Perhaps it's the hunger that is the root of all evil.

The downside of not being hungry is we may become less progressive. We may become bored as we get less motivated to do something. We may become overly relaxed.

What do you say?


Anonymous said...

One would die... wouldn't they if they never felt hunger?

Unless an existence without the need for food... but that would be... queer?!? One of the basic needs... food. With the food shortage around... it is a oddly nice idea to not need food... but people don't really care much for food these days, do they? Oddly peculiar... and weird... but if given a choice between... money, all your dreams come true... and food, I guess the second would be the most apparent answer... though it doesn't make a difference if the first and the second or the second and the third coincides...

I'd say the lack of sleep is the root to all evil... or maybe the thirst to prove oneself... to oneself... or the mere cycle of evolution which makes one both evil and good at the same time, just a matter of... perspectives.

But if hunger is the root to all evil... potatoes, red meat and white gravy should be on the wanted list... and disgusting coffee.

Anonymous said...

i live to eat, not eat to live.

If i was never hungry i would save so much money on eating out, as well as the weekly grocery trips and random cravings I have for sugary fried foods and cakes late at night... hunger = broke college student.

-Bianca at

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