Does time exist everywhere?

Time is a measure of gradual change from the past to the present to the future. Past, present and future exist where there is someone or something to physically observe the events. Hence the existence of time truly makes sense where there is an observer.

In our physical universe, we can easily conclude that time exists. (Obviously, I am not talking about the hours, minutes and seconds that a clock represents. That is something totally different- a man-made system to measure time.) We are constantly observing the flow of events from our past to our present to our future. We analyse, become judgemental and make predictions.

What if humans do not exist? Does time still exist? I would say so. Nature is still there to observe the flow of time. Nature goes through transition from the past to the present to the future. Trees grow and die, rainfalls occur, water dries up, etc. Also there are other animals and insects to observe the different phases of time.

Does time exist in the spiritual or meditative state? You are in a spiritual or meditative state when you lose the sense of past, present and future. You only have one state. You can call that state NOW or being ONE with the reality or whatever other fancy name you want to give to it. People experience it by immersing themselves into something they find total satisfaction in. That can be their profession, hobbies, arts, music, meditation, prayers- virtually anything. Once you are submerged into that state, you no longer become an observer. Instead, you merge with what you are doing- become one. You are no longer a separate entity. The significance of time is lost. The time ceases to exist for a while. You are in a timeless realm.


Anonymous said...

So if nor nature or people are observing time, does it just stop?

Mystic Paradigm said...

If nature is not there, then there is nothing. Time loses its significance in nothingness.

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